April 30, 2010
Mean Earraigh
Copyright © Ord Draiochta na Uisnech (Druid Order of Uisnech) http://www.irishdruidry.org/mean
The Sun has finally joined us here in the northern hemisphere, the first blossoms show and the world is filled with bright new colors. The Sun will gradually reach its apex of power after this day, with each day becoming longer. This is a time when day and night are equally balanced, and thus an in?between time. The Earth awakens from the slumber of the cold, dark half of the year and is tilled for the first sowing of seed. As a time for putting crops in the ground, it is now time for us to "plant our seed" in that we are beginning to actively work toward the goals we set for ourselves at Samhain. This is also a time to reinforce balance in our own lives.
Druid Order of Unsnech,
Mean Earraigh,
April 28, 2010
Canadians Win!
I cannot believe that the Montreal Canadians won game 7! After being down 3 games to 1, to come back and win G7 is like a flashback to their glory days when the dominated the league! I hope the old Hab. spirit from yore will come back this year!
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April 25, 2010
Spring/summer Fun!
Now that Spring is FINALY here, I'm doing a lot more things! Starting the Morrow, I'm sanding and staining the rest of the garage and starting on the deck. Once the deck is finished, I'm going to repair, sand and stain the fence. (Last summer Janice and I sanded and stained the house and most of the garage). Come Summer's end, our back yard should look awesome!
The girls n' I are also going to plant a bunch of butterfly attracting flowers. (Aislyn just loves butterflies!)
But first, I'm starting to brewing a batch o' beer, starting tonight!
So, what are your summer plans?
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April 22, 2010
Fortress (Eyes to Heaven)
"Words scribbled on the underside of an old envelope, becoming everything inside. Ink spilled on paper, but in a deeper sense, several sentences blurred by tears re presented more sentiment, more that was meaningful and real, then the years that led to this crossroads. I heard the door close-not slamming, but slinking shut in an unfortunate and unhappy desire to be undetected, as if secrecy could lesson the pain. Sometimes our lives descend, in snaredas storms upon the soul and rains may strike dividing to sever what was whole, but though your limbs feel torn and twisted and your memories turn cold, take heart, for I am with you still and will catch you should you fall. Eyes to Heaven Lost and searching for the truth. The words to mend your broken heart can only come from you. Eyes to Heaven, building secrets from your pain, a virtue lost in innocence is lost here all the same, a beautiful dreamer locked in reticence, in a tower of your soul, what lies so deep and undisturbed, fears torment in the world, lightning flashes, warning, to whispers in the rain, the fire climbing upwards your fortress lies in flame, just pray you do the right thing. Eyes to Heaven. Lost and searching for the truth. The words to mend your broken heart, can only come from you. Eyes to Heaven, building secrets from your pain, in prayers to end the suffering, heard by a soldier's saint. Eyes to Heaven. Lost and searching for the truth. I am lost, and I'm falling. Eyes to Heaven and I'm falling. Just pray you do the right thing
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eyes to heaven,
Fortress Eyes to Heaven,
four eyes,
Like a Rrrocket!
On our way home, bringing Aislyn from kindergarten, I let Danika out of her stroller. She took off (in the correct direction), down the sidewalk at full run! Aislyn and I had to run to catch her and Aislyn had to run to keep up with her 2 year old sister! (Admittedly, not at a full run though!) So, who do you think'll be our lil track star?
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full run,
track star
April 16, 2010
Love by Marty R. Woodcock
Love is not
Lust, nor
Obsession, but a
Vessel of elemental
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Love is not
Lust, nor
Obsession, but a
Vessel of elemental
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J A N I C E, by Marty R. Woodcock
Janice is a
Juel in my life and an
Apple in me eye, n' the
Nectar in my
Caressing love
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Janice is a
Juel in my life and an
Apple in me eye, n' the
Nectar in my
Caressing love
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A Wife Is
A Wife Is, by Marty R. Woodcock:
A Wife is a
Women with whom
I pledge my love to
Forever and
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A Wife is a
Women with whom
I pledge my love to
Forever and
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April 15, 2010
Not so secret, secret hiding place!
Stewart and Aislyn, kissing in a tree? Lol. (There was no kissing, just tree climbing). Stewart and Aislyn were running away from me (and my camera) in the green park just accross the street from our house. The park also backs onto Stewart's back yard, so we kind of share the park. Anyway, the kids ran to the tree you see here, and climbed it.
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k i s s i n g,
tree climbing cute
First Crush
Aislyn's friend - Stewart (Same school, but in grade 2) has a crush on Aislyn! Sooo cute! Remember that Aislyn's in Kindergarten at this time!
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first crush,
First Date,
grade two,
April 13, 2010
Hail n' Rain!
First we got a lot of rain with thunder n' lightning, now we have rain, thunder n' lightning and hail!
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April 4, 2010
WTF? We now have to buy air for our tires @ Petro-Canada?
We went for a walk to Petro-Canada (the nearest gas station to us) to fill Aislyn bike tires up for the bike riding season. When we got there, we discovered Petro-Canada now charges their customers to put air in the tires! What's up with that? Do they not make enough money (in the billions), that they need to charge a loony to fill up tires with FREE (to them) air? What a rip-off! Lucky for us, we met a very nice woman who lent Aislyn a loony to fill her bike tires. I will not go back to Petro-Canada again, until they stop charging for air! They make more money than most people will make in 100 lifetimes, yet they are charging us for filling up flat or low tires! Greed is no-longer right-winged blue, it's now Petro-Canada Red too! The sad thing is, people will (and have - [we did]) buy into their greed! Like I said earlier, I am boycotting Petro-Canada, you should too!
On a better note, Once we did (grudgingly) fill the bike tires up, Aislyn rode her bike all the way back home, without complaining about being tired. In-facet, she wanted to continue! We called Emma - (one of her friends) to join in the fun when it warms up a bit. (+4oC with a wind-chill of - 1oC currently). We are supposed to have a high of +8oC. My bike was stolen last year, so I'm bike-less for the moment, but I'm going to the next RCMP bike auction to see if I can get myself a good bike for a reasonable price. I'm not sure when the next auction is, so I'd best start calling them on the morrow eh? I'm looking forward on having a bike, so we can bike together as a family. Like researchers claim: "Families who ride together, tend to stay together!"
As always, please reply directly to the blog post.
On a better note, Once we did (grudgingly) fill the bike tires up, Aislyn rode her bike all the way back home, without complaining about being tired. In-facet, she wanted to continue! We called Emma - (one of her friends) to join in the fun when it warms up a bit. (+4oC with a wind-chill of - 1oC currently). We are supposed to have a high of +8oC. My bike was stolen last year, so I'm bike-less for the moment, but I'm going to the next RCMP bike auction to see if I can get myself a good bike for a reasonable price. I'm not sure when the next auction is, so I'd best start calling them on the morrow eh? I'm looking forward on having a bike, so we can bike together as a family. Like researchers claim: "Families who ride together, tend to stay together!"
As always, please reply directly to the blog post.
100 lifetimes,
ride together-stay together,
right wing,
April 2, 2010
The Tree Hugger!
Whilst on a family walk, on our way home, Danika decided to hug some trees! A Druidess in the making me thinks, no?
It was so warm, the girls only had on sweaters and I just had on a shirt.. (+9o c)
It was so warm, the girls only had on sweaters and I just had on a shirt.. (+9o c)
Please reply to this blog post with any comments you may wish to voice.
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laws of nature,
spring walk,
Tree Hugg,
warm day
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