January 27, 2011

A letter to Peter Kent

Ethics is a universal, English term, often described as the science (or study) of morality. In philosophy, ethical behavior is described as being “good”, “right” or “just”. “Moral philosophy” is sometimes used to describe ethics, here in the West. Ethical behavior also includes being truthful.

In regards to the Tar Sands, Scientific reports show toxic contaminants in water, animals and crops used by people living near them. Those toxins, when ingested by people, are very likely to cause long-term health problems, including, but not limited to cancer. A 2006 study by Suncor found arsenic levels in moose, 453 times higher than safe, acceptable levels. In other words, it is very likely; the levels will lead to 453 additional cases of cancer for every 100,000 residents near the tar sands. In economic sense, the Canadian health system will be plagued with millions of dollars to treat hundreds or thousands of people who developed cancer, directly and indirectly due to the tar sands they live by. Further, those people hospitalized due to their illnesses from the tar sands, will not be able to contribute to Canada’s economy. Instead of contributing to Canada’s economy, they will be taking money out of the Canadian economy to treat their illnesses influenced by the tar sands.

The Canadian Environment Minister’s duty, briefly, is to oversee the protection and development of Canada’s environment. These three things are related: Ethics, Tar Sands and the Environment Minister! Knowing that the tar sands will, and are killing hundreds or even thousands of Canadians, it is the ethical duty, responsibility and job of Canada’s Environment Minister to slow down, stop and if possible, reverse illnesses and deaths caused, ether directly or indirectly by the tar sands. Tar sands are not ethical when it comes down to Canadian lives lost or destroyed. When it comes to the economy and human life, the two are inseparable. Humans’ ether aid or take away from the economy. If people are sick and/or dying, they take away from Canada’s economy. If they are healthy, they give to the economy. Therefore, the Environment Minister must aid Canada’s economy by slowing down, stopping and reversing the illnesses and deaths caused by the tar sands by putting levies, environmental taxes and restrictions on the use, development and extraction of tar sands in Canada. To do so is only ethical. To do not, is unethical! Be Ethical, Peter Kent!

If you would like to contact Peter Kent, Canada's Environment Minister, here is his contact information:

The Honorable Peter Kent;
Minister of Environment

Community Office Ottawa Office
7600 Yonge Street Peter Kent
Thornhill, Ontario 401 Confederation Building
L4J 1V9 House of Commons
Phone:  (905) 886.9911 Ottawa, Ontario. K1A 0A6
FAX:  (905) 886.5267 Phone: (613) 992.0253
  Fax: (613) 992.0887