In my opinion, for a strong relationship to last, a marriage must be a partnership, with each partner helping the other. By helping, I do not mean necessarily doing the same things all the time, but helping out, equally, with chores, raising the children or personal hobbies or goals. For example, if my spouse wanted to do some stained glass crafts for a hobby, but did not know how to start, I would help by doing some research, asking people who are doing it, et cetera, and help by obtaining the tools needed for them to do the hobby. I have very little interest in doing it, but I would do my best to help them. On the other side, if I wanted to start my own business, she would help by doing some research, getting me in contact with appropriate people, and help keep me motivated. She has no desire to go into business, but if she helps, it draws us closer. Likewise, I have no desire to do stained glass, but if I help, she appreciates the effort.
If on the other hand, we just do our own thing, and never lend a hand to our loved one, especially without being asked to do so, it puts a strain on the relationship and is less likely to succeed in the long run.
If you truly love your partner, you will help them out to the best of your ability, without them asking you. Spontaneous assistance is appreciated more than requested assistance.
Having a mutual hobby also helps the bonding process. Everything I said above also helps in the communication area of relationships.