February 25, 2011


Healthy and Delicious Hot Coca
250 ml (Milliliters) Milk, Soymilk or Almond Milk (heated but not boiling).
15 ml (Milliliters) unsweetened
coca powder,
1 scoop *U-Protein* Powder
2 ml (Milliliters) Flax
Seed Oil
5 ml (Milliliters)
Stivia (optional)
Heat milk but do not boil. As milk is heating, put all ingredients into your blender or your Magic Bullet©. Once milk is heated, add hot milk to ingredients. Blend until well blended. (About 30 seconds). Pour into mug and enjoy!

February 22, 2011

Fw: Phone and Cable Companies Strike Back

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

From: "OpenMedia.ca" <contact@openmedia.ca>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 11:20:49 -0500 (EST)
To: <madjwoodcock@mobility.blackberry.net>
ReplyTo: contact@openmedia.ca
Subject: Phone and Cable Companies Strike Back


 Dear friends,

Phone and cable companies have unleashed a deep-pocketed public relations campaign designed to confuse the public about new Internet usage fees. Case in point: on Friday, Macleans Magazine published an editorial that read like a Rogers talking-points primer (Rogers owns Macleans). 

Big Telecom foot soldiers have been in the media saying that YOU are just being emotional, and that you don't understand what you signed when you signed the Stop The meter petition. This is elitist, condescending, and outright insulting.
Globe And Mail ad paid for by donations
Stop The Meter Ad in the Globe And mail

At the same time broadcasters and cable companies are meeting in Ottawa to hash out a plan to deal with online services that are "competing for customers". 

We can't let them turn back the clock. We need a well-coordinated response to prevent these corporations from interfering in the upcoming CRTC hearing, which is critical for the elimination of the new Internet fees.

Thankfully indie ISPs Acanac and Teksavvy have agreed to provide some matching funds if we raise $15,000 in the next 48 hours. Please help us get there: donate now at http://openmedia.ca/drive

Here's our plan: 
1. Unleash the creativity and ingenuity of Canadians. People from all walks of life -- innovators, educators, students, entrepreneurs, and everything in between -- are getting together on February 26th for a Day Of Action to educate our fellow Canadians about Internet metering.

2. Put together a united front of public interest groups, creators, indie ISPs, online service providers and half a million Canadians to put forth a well-researched, evidence-based submission to the CRTC.  We've done this before and won. 

We're confident this 1-2 punch can work, but it does require resources.

The pro-Internet community has seen a lot of success over the past month, and it's all thanks to your participation. You've engaged friends and family online, and helped to make the call for a more affordable Internet into a national movement.

This is about the future of communications, our economy, innovation, democratic participation, and our society writ large.


The OpenMedia.ca Team -- Steve, Lindsey, Reilly, Shea, and all of our volunteers

PS. There are hundreds of thousands of us - if everyone gave $5, less than the cost of lunch, we'd easily reach our target. The phone and cable companies are gouging, we're just asking

*OpenMedia.ca is a registered non-profit organization that relies on donations to operate.  

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If you did not subscribe or would like to unsubscribe click here.

February 17, 2011

Fw: "CBC lies all the time"

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

From: Ian Morrison - FRIENDS <ian.morrison@friends.ca>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 17:17:56 -0500 (EST)
To: <cahain.t@gmail.com>
Subject: "CBC lies all the time"

"CBC lies all the time"

Trouble with the links in this email? View the online version at: www.friends.ca/files/html/11feb17-kenney-np.html

I Love CBC

Dear Marty,

The CBC lies all the time - Jason KenneyYesterday, one of Prime Minister Harper's closest confidantes, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney let the cat out of the bag when he blurted out to the Canadian Press that "the CBC lies all the time".

Ever since Harper became Leader of the Opposition, and particularly since becoming Prime Minister, FRIENDS has tracked his statements and those of his colleagues on public broadcasting and cultural sovereignty. A disturbing pattern of double-speak has emerged.

We believe that Kenney's February 16th comment reflects his boss's opinion, and betrays a sinister and hostile view of Canadian public broadcasting – a view completely out of sync with Canadian public opinion.

FRIENDS urgently needs your help to expose this hidden agenda before it is too late, and to preserve public broadcasting for future generations of Canadians.

As you know, since November when the Parliamentary Secretary to the Heritage Minister mused publicly that "maybe it's time we get out of the broadcasting business", FRIENDS has been working flat out to remind Harper that Canadians value public broadcasting and want it to be preserved and strengthened.

Already almost one hundred thousand Canadians have signed the I LOVE CBC petition. Tens of thousands have written their MPs. Scores of meetings have been arranged locally with MPs and nominated candidates in closely-contested federal ridings. On Monday, FRIENDS placed a full-page ad in the Hill Times, the Parliament Hill newspaper – a Valentine's Day message to the Prime Minister carrying the message that "78% of Canadians use the CBC each week", "81% believe that CBC is one of the things that distinguishes Canada from the United States", and that "Canadians of all political stripes love the CBC".

Jason Kenney's comment that "the CBC lies all the time" strips away all camouflage, exposing for all to see the Harper government's real attitude to Canadian public broadcasting. It is a clear warning that there is a grave threat to the future of public broadcasting in this country, a warning we would be unwise to ignore.

If Kenney had made his odious comment about an individual, and could not prove that it was true, he would be found guilty of libel in a court of law. In the case of our national public broadcaster, that finding can come only from the court of public opinion. FRIENDS' fundamental priority in the coming months will be to hold the Harper government to account by demonstrating audibly and visibly how much its true intentions fly in the face of Canadian public opinion. In other words – an ounce of prevention!

We need your help to mount this campaign. Please take a moment to invest in FRIENDS' I LOVE CBC campaign now, before it is too late.

Standing up for CBC is standing up for Canada!

Donate Now


Ian Morrison

Ian Morrison
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting

P.S. Please help to expose the Harper Conservatives' sinister and hostile agenda for public broadcasting by making a secure donation right now.

P.S. If you would prefer to send your contribution by postal mail, here is the address:

FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting
Box 200/238 - 131 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON M5S 1R8


February 15, 2011

*57 Phone Trace.

  To use it, after you recieve an unwanted call on your landline phone, dial *57 and it will automatically trace the call. however, it will only work if the caller's number is within your local service area. It cannot trace calls from outside your service area. Also, you must set up this service with your phone company. This is not a regularly available feature that is already available to you. This will explain it futher. Click on "What can my local phone company do if I am receiving harassing calls".

February 11, 2011





when you cry....

no one sees your tears.


when you are in pain.

no one sees your hurt.


when you are worried..

no one sees your stress


when you are happy..

no one sees your smile .... -







FART !! just ONE friggin' time....

And everybody knows!!

You thought this was going to be one of those heart-touching stories!


February 6, 2011

Back-floating Aislyn

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Aislyn is listening to the teacher

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


We're @ the girls second swimming lessons of the year. Danika is wearing her new suit.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device