Danika was so, so, so, looking forward to her first day at school! Since Aislyn first started going, she thought she should be going too! Now's her chance! After breakfast, we put her hair into a ponytail and she dressed herself in her favorite colour - purple! (That was after we reminded her, that her teacher recommended no dresses, as they tended to get dirty awfully fast).
Janice and I drove Danika to school after Aislyn caught her bus. We let her play in the playground for a few minutes then went inside for her very first morning of Pre-K. She was one of the first ones inside the classroom after taking her outside shoes off. We fond her locker, put her inside shoes on and she knew just what do do! She went and sat down in the empty area, soon joined by her fellow classmates. They needed to empty their backpacks and give the tissue boxes to the teacher then put their coats and backpacks into their lockers.
Janice and I stayed for a few minutes longer then left. I have to admit that my eyes were a bit misty, walking out to the van. (darn allergies anyway!)
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