March 5, 2012

The Conservative Con Job on Canadians

Elections Canada alleged up to $60 million of fraud against the Conservative Party and a number of senior Conservative Party officials. They plead guilty to a reduced $30 million in misspent money in return for dropping the charges against the individuals. Now, uncovered, a phone call scam, getting key voters from tightly contested areas, to vote at fake voting polls. (How did the Cons know who to call? Easy – Like every party, they call hundreds, if not thousands of households, prior to Election Day, asking who they are voting for. They then keep that information in databases for reference and in some cases fraudulent uses). And where did each and every one of these phone calls come from?  Conservative Party offices, that’s where. That’s where the calls were traced to. It is against the law for anyone to get people not to vote by the way. It didn't take many to con into not voting, just enough to win the election with a majority. The deed is done, even though it was against the law to do so. Are the majority of Canadians mad? Obviously not, or we would be ether up in arms against the current government, or marching on the streets against them, and/or writing letters like mad, to everyone and everything, venting how mad we are that this happened. But we are not.

Incidentally, an Advertisement Scam involving about $2 million in misspent money in the 1995 referendum has haunted the Liberal party ever since. I find it strange that $2 million in referendum advertising misspending from Seventeen (17) years ago still haunts the Liberals to this day, but an admitted fraud of at least $30 million by the current sitting government, from a few months ago, has had almost no public impact, save for giving the felons (Conservative party) a majority government, and almost no public outcry against the guilty party.

The media are underplaying it too with words like "dirty tricks” and “folly”. These make it seem as though the Conservatives aren’t doing it to be bad. They are doing it to be funny. It’s not funny and it is bad – very bad! Instead of “dirty tricks” media should use words and phrases like “election fraud”. Instead of “folly” they should use deliberate, systematic, strategic and/or targeted.

The Conservatives, prior to hoodwinking and robbing votes from the election, whined that the media was in the Liberals back pockets. They were never in the Liberals pockets! They are, however in the Tories employ. At least they are acting like they are being paid by the current government by how they are treating these hugely illegal acts from our government.

It’s like huge crimes from the Conservative party are easier to swallow than little crimes from the Liberal party. Where is the outcry? Where are the snipers? Asleep in their beds, not even at the wheel, never mind asleep at the wheel, that’s where.

Now I’m off to bed. Good night.

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