December 11, 2009

How to Build a Snow Fort - wikiHow

How to Build a Snow Fort - wikiHow

December 9, 2009

Up Her Nose

Yesterday, we had an adventure with Danika again! (who else? lol :) ). Whilst eating her lunch, which consisted of vegetables (carrots, peas and corn). She ate 3/4 of her lunch when she got full. Instead of leaving it, or dropping it on the floor, as normal for her, she proceeded to stuff them up her nose. When I got to her, and proceeded to get them out, I got out six peas and one kernel of corn. (keep in mind Danika is only 22 months old!). How on Earth did a person so young/small shove that much food up ONE nostril, I'll never know! Anyway, I than looked up her nose with a flashlight and saw ANOTHER pea, jammed way way way up there! I went to the walk-in clinic and was told to go to emergency! It took 3/4's of an hour to get the last pea out! She fought the whole time, making it extremely difficult to get a hold of the blasted pea. I hope that experience will stop her from shoving anything else up there, but I'm not holding my breadth!

Has anyone of you had that (or similar) adventure with your children, or, as a child, did you do something like that? Let us know what you did to get the obstruction out. I'd like to know, just in case this happens again.

For FaceBook/Twitter/MySpace users, please reply directly on the blog, not on FaceBook/Twitter/MySpace please. Thanks.

December 3, 2009


I know it's over 100 days until our sacred festival of Spring, but since it's starting to get cold out there, and the snow has/is/is going to fly, let's warm your thoughts to Spring. How are you going to bring in the spring? Most of us do things like spring-cleaning; spring shopping, dusting off the sports equipment cetera. That is common stuff, but I am talking about the five areas of readiness:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Psychological
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional

I will discuss each in separate blog entries, so you can comment on them individually. Each holy holiday the Celts celebrate requires preparation in these five areas. If any is left out, something will be missed in preparing, celebrating and/or winding down. When I mention Spiritual, I do not mean the religious meaning, but the excitement/the spirit of the respective celebration. For those who wish to make this a religious experience that can easily be incorporated into the Féis. (Féis, (pronounced Fesh) is the Irish word for festival.) I welcome comments on this topic, so please, if you have anything to say regarding Oimelc (Imbolg), please, do not hesitate. If you have any questions, please post them too. If I cannot answer them, I know people who can.

December 1, 2009


This afternoon (14:00), I had an interview with a third year, UofR School of Journalism student about my adventure with Tionna. (She is the girl who fell through the ice). You can view the article, only at the UofR School of Journalism. Therefore, if you wish to see the entire piece, including the interview with Tionna and her mum, you can see it on the 10th. I am not sure what time yet, but when I find out, I will reply (only on this blog – not on Facebook, Twitter et cetera) and let everyone know.


This afternoon (14:00), I had an interview with a third year, UofR School of Journalism student about my adventure with Tionna. (She is the girl who fell through the ice). You can view the article, only at the UofR School of Journalism. Therefore, if you wish to see the entire piece, including the interview with Tionna and her mum, you can see it on the 10th. I am not sure what time yet, but when I find out, I will reply (only on this blog – not on Facebook, Twitter et cetera) and let everyone know.

Let it snow

This morning, at 05:00, when Danika awoke, there was 5-cm of snow on the ground! (It is about time too). After procrastinating getting up, at 05:30, I finally got up, fed Danika then went out to shovel the snow. It was heavy and wet but the shoveling felt good. We had such a wet, cold summer, and the very late snow this season, was somewhat depressing. After Aislyn comes home from school, I think the kids and I will make snow men/women/kids and maybe the start of a snow fort too. From the weather-woman, this is here to stay until spring! I have snowshoes from my mum from last winter, which I will make good use of this winter. I am so excited now there is a good amount of snow on the ground! What is more is, there is more to come tonight! More shoveling on the morrow morn, but hey, that is snow for ya. My next-door-neighbor moved and is selling his snow blower thus; we are very seriously considering buying it. It will help us collect enough snow in the park to make a good-sized snow fort for the neighborhood kids to play in. I have many childish plans for this winter. I am finally feeling like my old self and have not felt that way for years. I am also on an exorcise program, keeping up with my best friend Allan. This season (and year) is going to be the best for me in a very long time. I love life and life loves me!

Like the title says: