March 31, 2010

Rick Mercer's Blog Post: The Camera Doesn't Lie!

Lets get them webcams in the house ASAP!

Canada's 22nd Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, did something truly historic this past week. He did something that no Canadian prime minister had ever done before. He went on YouTube and answered questions. Now granted, by YouTube standards he's not as popular as say a cat that can flush the toilet, but the fact is he embraced the new media and for that he should be commended. Because I believe now more then ever, it is the Internet that can help save Canadian democracy. And it needs saving. And not from any outside forces, but from the people we have so tragically elected. Because believe me, they're out of control.
Kids on field trips go into question period, having learned in school that democracy is something worth dying for. They leave an hour later convinced that blithering idiots rule the world. And can you blame them? Anyone who has watched question period live knows the evidence is on display. The problem is Canadians at home can't see that because all of the bad behavior is hidden off-camera.
And the solution is webcams. Regular old fashioned webcams, the same kind of webcams that many of our younger members of Parliament like Pierre Poilievre or Jason Kenney probably have in their homes. There should be one on every desk in the House of Commons. And the minute that place opens up that camera should be on. And we should be able to go online, click and watch our member of parliament. You know, kind of like a fancy baby monitor.
And if they're missing in action, like Michael Ignatieff was all last week, we should be able to stare at the empty seat and come to our own conclusions. And if they want to sit there and twitter about who's wearing what, like Lisa Raitt or just sit there and bark like a rabid dog, like John Baird does when he's in a good mood, we should be able to watch that too. And believe me, after one week of webcamming they will be on their best behavior. And who knows, maybe something might even get done.
Because nothing inspires a politician to greatness like a good old fashioned shaming.

Spring @ the Woodcock's

It is such a beautiful day here in Regina! The girls drew on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk and now are playing on the swings!
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March 26, 2010

Aislyn the bookworm!

Before school, Aislyn was reading (yes, reading) the book "Inside, Outside, Upside down" to Janice, Danika and myself! I'm sooo, sooo, sooo X 3 proud of her!
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March 25, 2010

Dress up Danika

Danika wanted to see what she looks like in daddy's glasses. She calls this picture "cute". Reply to the blog post to give your opinion!
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Yesterday, someone almost sideswiped me! The girls and I were on our way to pick up Janice from work when this idiot crossed two lanes and wanted in where I was! (Is not one of the laws of physics: No two solid objects may occupy the same space at the same time? I guess some laws [even laws of nature], are optional eh?) I do not know if he was drinking, but he was sure driving recklessly!

On the lighter side, I found this funny picture on the net whilst looking up funny car crashes for this article. I am sure glad this car is not ours! Even if it were, having a Nike soccer ball totaling our car would be funny. How would one explain that to the insurance company? “I got into an accident with a soccer ball and lost!”

March 16, 2010

Abdominal Hernia

Today @ ~1pm, I'm going in to a "specialist" about my Abdominal Hernia, which has re-surfaced. I guess they didn't do a very good job the last time "fixing" it. This will be my 5th Hernia operation to date! I prey the Goddess will make this one a success, over the last one lol. Anyway, see you on the flip-side!

March 11, 2010

scottish Terrier or scottish Terror?

I couldn't resist taking this picture! She picked all her cloths herself
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March 6, 2010

Leaving the hospital!

Danika has been released from the hospital and is back to her usual happy-go-lucky self! She still has a bit of the sniffles, but is feeling better. Home Sweet Home!
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March 5, 2010

Hospital stay extended!

Danika will probably stay the night again, because she's not drinking enough, though she is starting to want foods now!
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March 4, 2010

Feeling Better!

Danika is feeling better today. Right now we are watching SCN Kids and cuddling. I haven't heard about the blood tests yet. They drew some more blood earlier this morning.
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Hospital Update

Danika is being admitted to pediatrics soon. She'll have an IV for dehydration. She's also getting tested to find out what she has. This is the kicker though: shea's also getting tested for liver damage! As usual, I'll keep you updated via this blog. Please comment on the blog, not to the email the blog sends.

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In the hospital

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emergency again!

Danika and I are in the emergency again! She has a high temperature, and has had for the past 5 days. Today she started throwing up, and hasn't taken hardly any food or drinks today/yesterday. She is very pale with a bit of a cold swet. I'll keep you posted as the night/day goes on.

Marty - Out!
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